Saturday, November 17, 2012

A spark to start with

Well starting off with my long lost interest of creating something, something that will keep me busy and will keep my heart content for a long long time !! (Its not the blog by the way the blog is the journal) It is just a spark ...and I want to take it to a fire. 

And I feel right now ... at the starting that taking a spark to a fire will itself need a art of some kind at least a zeal to keep it fuming, so one day i can see the light of my on home grown fire ;) .... and not to forget the art of saving my own skin from it.

Any ways, thus the start of this new blog !! Where i want to keep all my research and all the details, I am most possibly going to dig into in the coming days. 

In the start its just a rough idea a mental picture of the things .... I went through many a blogs and online gyan ... and understood they all have a bottom up approach ... Not just going by the general available wisdom .... The fuel that will fuel my spark will come through a big dream kind of aspiration.

So I am starting to form an idea which i want myself to be engulfed in. But but ...not to rush it. It will still start from humble beginnings. For starters I don't even have the starting tools for my "the shawshank redemption" type of affair to begin. So i start off finding the right tools. 

And yeah as always i am too shy to tell about the big idea which is still in formative phases.(thats why the so arcane blog post) And may be even i will keep it to myself. As i am not very responsive to criticism anyways. But none the less it doesn't mean the blog will not be informative and useful. Its just that...In want to keep my spark alive, I am mostly writing this first post to myself maybe. 

This is all for the first post to this Blog guys. I hope many a you get a spark and burn the fire red hot and keep it fueling. Also I do not hope to invoke your spark/fire as Stephan r covey has stated nicely “Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” (although literally I cant stop imagining myself from lighting a fire under someone :P)

But yeah I most humbly invite you all to look at my attempt towards doing it.
And i end the post by some quote I liked ....

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing 
- that's why we recommend it daily."
Zig Ziglar

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